How does CDN protect your website from DDoS attacks?
By blocking traffic originating from suspicious IP addresses or with a large number of requests.
Speed up content delivery. Increase your web service performance. Reduce infrastructure operating costs.
The more traffic, the lower the cost.
A content delivery network (CDN) is a geographically distributed network of servers that helps accelerate and optimize the delivery of static content to the end user.
When a user visits your website, the CDN automatically selects the closest caching server to deliver the content. This decreases load time and improves website performance.
Quick website loading is one of the factors affecting a website's SEO score. Using a CDN can help boost your website in search engine rankings and improve the user experience of your customers.
CDN makes it easy to scale content and adapt to the increased demand for the website at times of peak activity, such as during advertising campaigns or live streaming.
By reducing the load on the main infrastructure, you free up resources to maintain your web service. This approach allows you to save on the purchase of additional equipment without losing website performance.
We guarantee uninterrupted availability of the service within the SLA and compensation in case of its violation.
If one of the servers crashes, the CDN automatically redirects requests to other available servers.
IPv4 is a basic protocol that provides addressing capabilities for about 4.3 billion addresses.
Connect CDNs and manage other services with a user-friendly interface.
Service charges every 10 minutes. You pay only for the resources you actually use.
Communicate with our support specialists by email, phone, and via tickets.
Create an account in the Serverspace control panel and refill your balance.
Delegate the domain to our nameservers and add A-records.
By blocking traffic originating from suspicious IP addresses or with a large number of requests.
Using a CDN allows content to be hosted in different geographic locations. This speeds up download times and provides faster access to content in local languages.
Serverspace has 6 points of presence: the USA, Canada, the Netherlands, the UAE, Brazil, Kazakhstan.
The key feature of CDN is fast delivery of a large amount of content to the end consumer. It enables companies and individuals to organize:
Static content (e.g., images and videos) does not change and is stored on servers for a long time, whereas dynamic content (e.g., database information) is generated on the fly.
CDN is most useful for static content because it can be cached on servers and delivered quickly to users.