FreeBSD VPS Server

Deploy FreeBSD virtual servers in seconds. We will ensure the security and stability of your servers.




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Final configuration

Available FreeBSD versions

Server with FreeBSD 13.2

Get stability and innovation with advanced security features, support for the latest architectures and an updated network protocol stack.

Server with FreeBSD 12.2

Experience a versatile solution that offers high stability and support for multiple architectures.

All FreeBSD server plans include

API access

Use the API features to quickly manage the server. Operations, queries, and sample errors are available in the documentation.

Fast SSD drives

Experience servers that feature high-speed SSD drives with triple data replication and minimal response time.

Private networks

Connect multiple servers into a secure network with data transfer rates of up to 1 Gbit/s.


Pay only for actually used server resources. Billing once every 10 minutes.

One-Click Apps support

Select the desired application during the server creation in the control panel — it will be installed automatically.

User-friendly control panel for FreeBSD servers

Deploy and configure FreeBSD VPS server and other services, monitor infrastructure status, control costs and consult with support specialists in one place.

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How do I install FreeBSD on a VPS server?

FreeBSD is installed automatically when you create a server in the control panel or in the calculator on the website. You do not need to install the OS manually.

How do I configure FreeBSD on my server?

The correct setup of a FreeBSD server depends on what purpose you plan to use the server for. In our knowledge base you will find up-to-date material on configuring FreeBSD.

You can also use the Managed cloud service. Our technicians will create and configure your FreeBSD server for your needs.

What is the most common use of FreeBSD?

FreeBSD is excellent for the following tasks:

  • use as web, mail, and FTP servers;
  • network applications;
  • data storage;
  • configuring to run on embedded systems such as routers or network management devices.

What are the advantages of FreeBSD over other operating systems?

FreeBSD has a number of advantages that set it apart from other operating systems:

  • Performance: FreeBSD is known for its stability and efficiency, especially in networking applications;
  • ZFS filesystem support: FreeBSD is one of the few operating systems with full ZFS support;
  • Ports and packages: FreeBSD's package management system makes it easy to install thousands of software products from the FreeBSD ports collection;
  • Security: FreeBSD places a high value on security and has strong security features such as firewalls, mandated access controls, and much more;
  • Documentation: FreeBSD has extensive technical documentation which is freely available.

How often are FreeBSD templates updated?

New operating system versions appear in the Control Panel as soon as they are released by the official FreeBSD development team. We usually announce all updates on the website and in the control panel.

How do I install software on FreeBSD?

There are two main ways to install programs on FreeBSD: using the package management system (pkg) and the ports collection. Here are basic instructions for each.

Installing via the package system (pkg):

  1. Open a terminal.
  2. Update the list of available packages by typing the following command: sudo pkg update.
  3. Then, install the desired package by entering: sudo pkg install package_name. Replace "package_name" with the name of the package you want to install.

For example, sudo pkg install nano will install the nano text editor.

Installing via the ports collection:

  1. Open a terminal.
  2. Navigate to the port directory of the program you want to install. For instance: cd /usr/ports/editors/nano.
  3. Compile and install the program with the command sudo make install clean.

Some of our clients reviews

“We were searching for a reliable cloud hosting for our project to scale up. We chose Serverspace. All servers with top-notch hardware. You can configure it according to your tasks, set your own OS, it also lets you create your own internal Gigabit VLAN. In general, we are happy with it since the very beginning.”
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