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How to install PostgreSQL on Centos 7

CentOS Databases

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What is PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL - relational database system founded on SQL-queries language. Common standards following and possibility to make high performance systems is reason why PostgreSQL is popular today.

Before installation

To install PostgreSQL you should have:

  • Server with at least 1 CPU cores, 1Gb of RAM and 10Gb drive space. Real requirements may be some differ and depends of your application needs and optimization;
  • Actual operation system (Centos 7 in this article);
  • Administrative account access.

Setup process

To install PostgreSQL on your server please do all steps below:

  • Update current system software:
yum -y update


  • Reboot the server to use the newest packages;
  • Add exception to the "base" section of /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo repository file otherwice old version PostgreSQL will be installed:


  • Add PostgreSQL repo and find the latest version:
yum -y install; yum list -y postgre*-server*


  • As shown at the previous screenshot, last PostgreSQL version is 15. Let's install it:
yum -y install postgresql15-server


NOTE: in case dependancy resolution failed, you should install epel repository then try to install PostgreSQL again:

yum -y install epel-release
  • Initialize new DB-cluster:
/usr/pgsql-15/bin/postgresql-15-setup initdb


  • Enable launch at system boot and run the service:
systemctl enable postgresql-15; service postgresql-15 start


  • Check the status:
service postgresql status


Data operations

  • To create database you should use built-in administrative account:

su postgres

psql postgres

  • Create the user role and test database:
CREATE ROLE  <username> LOGIN PASSWORD '<password>';
CREATE DATABASE <dbname> WITH OWNER = <username>;


  • Login as created user:
psql -h <host> -d <dbname> -U <username> -p <PostgreSQL_port>


  • Let's try to create table into our new database:

CREATE TABLE testtable (
item_num integer NOT NULL,
item_name character varying(50) NOT NULL,
item_detail character varying(50) DEFAULT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (item_num)



I created a table with three columns, item_num (digit),  item_name (text) and item_detail (text, may be empty).

  • Data insert:

INSERT INTO testtable (item_num, item_name, item_detail)
VALUES('1','Ship','Warship Model');

INSERT INTO testtable (item_num, item_name)

INSERT INTO testtable (item_num, item_name, item_detail)
VALUES('3','Kitchen','Toy Kitchen');


  • Check our job:
SELECT <content> from <table_name>


Instead of final

In this tutorial I showed how to install PostgreSQL on Centos 7 and operate with data "inside" the database.

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