How to Install and Configure Fail2ban on Ubuntu 20.04
Fail2ban is designed to protect open ports and running services on the server. It monitors unsuccessful authorization attempts and blocks the source IP address for a certain time. This significantly reduces the likelihood of server hacking due to automatic means, for example, brute force login and password.
In this tutorial we will install and configure Fail2ban on Ubuntu 20.04.
Fail2ban installation
To install Fail2ban use this command:
apt install fail2ban
It starts automatically after installation. To check the service status use this command:
systemctl status fail2ban
Fail2ban configuration
To change the default ban settings for all services, make a copy of the jail.conf file.
cp /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf /etc/fail2ban/jail.local
Open the jail.local file and go to the [DEFAULT] section. For example, let's set the ban time to 3600 minutes.
bantime = 3600m
To see all the available rules, go to the JAILS section. For example:
After changing the file, restart the service.
systemctl restart fail2ban
Adding and configuring rules
There is a /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/ folder for managing active rules. You can create a separate file for each of them. For example, nginx-http-auth.conf. The second way is to insert configuration into the existing defaults-debian.conf file. Simply add these lines there:
enabled = true
You can add individual parameters for each rule here.
Let's set the IP address to ignore in the ignoreip parameter, the time for the ban is 2400 minutes, and the number of failed authorization attempts is 10.
ignoreip =
bantime = 2400m
maxretry = 10
Save and close the file and restart the service.
systemctl restart fail2ban
Using fail2ban-client
There is a Fail2ban client for managing its rules. Keep in mind that all changes made here will be reset after the system reboot or service restart. To view active rules use this command:
fail2ban-client status
To see jail statistics use this command with the name you need instead of sshd:
fail2ban-client status sshd
To activate a rule, use its name from the configuration file and the command:
fail2ban-client add nginx-http-auth
Then start it.
fail2ban-client start nginx-http-auth
To view all available commands:
fail2ban-client -h