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How to install Zabbix on Oracle 8.6

Linux Monitoring Zabbix

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In my publication I describe installation Zabbix on a server with Linux Oracle 8.6.

New monitor network, are helps to complete troubleshooting, and find all troubles with: health of hardware, added to your control panel server. Also, you may possible to track load of specific hardware.

My personal experience, with using control panel, it helps monitoring helped to find loops in the network, because we added a router from Cisco and we have the ability to monitor traffic of any device port in a convenient format.

Unique options of Zabbix

  1. Automatic alarm processing;
  2. Tracking application and database status;
  3. Automatic monitoring of performance and resource utilization;
  4. Automatic problem detection and warnings;
  5. Simple alert configuration;
  6. Tracking and analyzing network traffic;
  7. Automatic generation of graphs;
  8. Tracking and analyzing of hosts, services, and events;
  9. Easy and effective monitoring software;
  10. Powerful load balancing mechanism;
  11. Integration with other applications;
  12. Built-in administration tools;
  13. Ability to view monitoring history;
  14. Ability to customize the user interface;
  15. Simple and fast software update.


Required for operability:

  • A server running a Linux Oracle operating system;
  • Updated application and system packages;
  • A MySQL or PostgreSQL database installed.

Getting started

Update the system.

yum update

Perform a reboot of the system after the upgrade is complete.

systemctl reboot

Install MySQL database.

sudo dnf install @mysql:8.0

You must add service to startup menu, and run service permanently.

sudo systemctl enable --now mysqld

Confirm that  service «DB» is running.


Install software of monitoring system

Commit  repo for your data base.

rpm -Uvh

dnf clean all

When command running, dnf removes downloaded cache of packages  and also any temporary files which created during setup or package upgrade process. Could be useful if you are experiencing problems with package cache or want to free up disk space.

However, remember that running this command will remove any downloaded packages you may need in the future, so make sure you do not need these packages in the future before completing and trying our command.

Install necessary packages.

dnf install zabbix-server-mysql zabbix-web-mysql zabbix-apache-conf zabbix-sql-scripts zabbix-selinux-policy zabbix-agentp

Reconfigure database

Before creation «DB» check out service turn on and running at background.


Create person for control panel.


create database name_of_db character set utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_bin;
create user zabbix@your_domain identified by 'password';
grant all privileges on zabbix.* to zabbix@your_domain;
set global log_bin_trust_function_creators = 1;

Initialize necessary scripts , after complete task you must specify the user password.

zcat /usr/share/zabbix-sql-scripts/mysql/server.sql.gz | mysql --default-character-set=utf8mb4 -uzabbix -p Zabbix

Change parameter.


set global log_bin_trust_functuin_creators = 0;

Change config of your «DB».

nano /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf


Is a «DB» system variable may controls whether profile/user can: configure; modify:  functions; triggers. System will recorded all data in a binary change log.

If this variable is set to 1, any user with SUPER or EVENT_SCHEDULER privileges can: build; modify functions; triggers which are created and stored in binary change.log without any restrictions.

Otherwise only users with SUPER privilege can be changed & modify functions or triggers which are written to the binary file.


Enable at the systemctl.

systemctl restart zabbix-server zabbix-agent httpd php-fpm && systemctl enable zabbix-server zabbix-agent httpd php-fpm

Open web browser, and use this link for example "x.x.x.x/zabbix" where x.x.x.x is your server ip address.


Confirm installation at your web browser, dont forget password that u specify at setup.


After success setup, you will see authorization window.


For authorization to your control panel use "Admin" and "password".


This is example of my cisco swich, which has been added to monitoring system.



Nagios — other free software that provides deep integration with various products for monitoring different aspects of your network.

Cacti — is a data collection and visualisation software for network performance. It allows users to create their own graphs and charts to monitor network performance.

Observium — is network device monitoring software that provides a great interface for monitoring your network. It allows users to create custom charts and graphs to analyze performance data in different contexts.

Icinga  — other free software that provides users with an intuitive interface for setting up network monitoring.

Differences between Zabbix and other peers

  • It has a more powerful data collection engine, namely a full-fledged SNMP core, which allows us to monitor the network more accurately;
  • It has a more user-friendly interface for network monitoring and configuration;
  • It offers more flexible and powerful automation mechanisms for creating triggers and rules that allow you to quickly respond to comments and prevent potential problems in the future;
  • It provides a wider range of tools for monitoring and analyzing network performance.


Explore what software is available to identify problems on the LAN. Discovered the advantages of Zabbix over other software. Installed monitoring system on Oracle Linux 8.6.

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