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Updated April 24 2024

How to turn the server off and on in the Serverspace control panel

Control panel FAQ

In the Serverspace control panel, the user can manage their virtual machines. In this article we will discuss how to shut down and power on servers.

Disabling a virtual machine from the list of servers

In order to turn off the server, you need to go to the list of servers, click on the context menu of the desired server, and in the drop-down menu select Stop:

Stop the server

After that you will be offered to shut down the server via operating system or  via power off:

Shut down server via operating system 2

Powering down the server may result in loss of unsaved data on the server. Serverspace recommends shutting down the server via operating system tools.

Shut down server via power off 3

A server shutdown will begin:

Powering off in progress 4

The server will then be displayed as powered off:

Powered off server 5

Shutting down the server via its menu

You can also turn off the server through its menu. To do this, go to the Actions->Power menu and click the Turn off server button:

Screenshot (16)

After that you will be offered to shut down the server via operating system or via power off:

Shut down server via operating system 2

Powering down the server may result in loss of unsaved data on the server. Serverspace recommends shutting down the server using operating system tools.

Shut down server via power off 3

The process of shutting down the server will then begin:
Turning off process 7

The server will be shut down:

Powered off server (server menu) 8

How to include a server in the server list

Enabling is similar to the process of disabling. For the required server, click the context menu icon and select Start:

Start a server (servers menu) 9

The confirmation menu appears:
Turn on server menu (Launch button) 10

This will begin the process of powering on the server:
Powering on server 11

The server will power up and be ready to go:
Powered on server 12

How to enable the server through its menu

To shut down the virtual machine, go to Server menu -> Actions -> Power:

Launching server (server menu) N

and click Launch:

Turn on server menu (Launch button) 10

The process of powering on the server will begin:

Powering on process 13


The server will turn on:

Powered on server 14

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