3 new Serverspace GPT API Language Models available now!
William Bell
September 17 2020
Updated May 22 2024

Application Programming Interface

Application Programming Interface, or API for short, refers to an application interaction interface that allows services and other applications to communicate with each other.

The API defines the functionality that the program (module, library) provides, but at the same time, the API makes it possible to abstract the way this functionality is implemented.

Typically, a hierarchy is established between components, with the highest-level components using the low-level API, and so on in a downward spiral.

The key aspect of working with the API is the ready-made code use or a permanent function that will be used in the final product. The implementation way here departs to another plan, and developers get the opportunity to third-party programmers easily use the developments.

The API definition itself highlights two components:

  • A software piece with a specific function,
  • An application separate part of a complete application.

The individual parts fragmentation can be determined by how independent the application component is. Most often, according to this scenario, the APIs of individual libraries are arranged, which, with its help, interact with other applications or the site parts.

The API does not include the application hidden logic - developers have the right to leave certain areas open only for their use.

In one application, there can be many such objects interacting with each other. Each of them has its API - a set of characteristics and methods for interacting with other objects in the application.

API usage is ubiquitous at the moment. Most resources on the Internet use several APIs at once since this solution is also distinguished by its reliability and extensive integration practice. Using the API has become an industry-standard kind when building modern websites or applications.

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