New LLM GPT PHI-4 from Microsoft available now!
William Bell
June 25 2020
Updated August 24 2023

Virtual Private Cloud — New service for secure your business

Serverspace is launching a service for creating isolated networks. It lets you combine Cloud servers in a private cloud within a single data center.

Resources are stored in a private cloud, in a separate isolated network segment, which has no connection to the Internet. Thus it reaches a high level of security and privacy.

  • There are no restrictions on incoming and outgoing traffic volume within the network.
  • Network addressing can be configured both manually and automatically.
  • Local port is 1 Gbit/s.

This service is free of charge. You can create up to 10 networks within 1 project.

How to create an isolated network

1. Go to "Networks", click on the "Add network" button and select Isolated network out of the network types:

Screenshot 1: news vpc

2. Select the data center which stores all of your Cloud servers. Then set addressing parameters by specifying a prefix and network capacity manually or automatically. Enter the name of the network you are creating, add a description if necessary, and click "Create network":

Screenshot 2: news vpc

3. After creating the network, click on its name and click "Connect server" in the "Connection" tab:

Screenshot 3: news vpc

4. Select Cloud servers that you need to connect to the isolated network and click "Connect".

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