New LLM GPT PHI-4 from Microsoft available now!
Daniella Coleman
January 31 2022
Updated May 17 2022

Serverspace Terraform Provider has been verified

HashiCorp added Serverspace Terraform provider to the list of verified providers. This means Serverspace Terraform provider has been verified and meets the technical requirements for managing the Serverspace infrastructure. Now Servespace Terraform provider is a member of the HashiCorp Technology Partner Program, which ensures that users have the necessary tools for cloud infrastructure deployment.

Terraform is an automated open-source tool from HashiCorp that allows you to safely and efficiently build and modify a cloud infrastructure. It is managed with special configuration files, in which users describe the parameters of their servers and networks.

Features of Terraform Provider:

  • Infrastructure as Code management. Users define infrastructure parameters in a configuration file.
  • Declarative transaction management. Users don’t have to monitor all possible transit states of the infrastructure. It’s enough to define the necessary resources.
  • Terraform can be used with a version control system. Users can always restore one of the previous infrastructure states.
  • Smooth operation. Multiple usages of the same configuration file will result in the same outcome. There’s no risk of human errors.

To start using Serverspace Terraform Provider, you should specify it in the Terraform configuration file. The tool can automatically install the provider as you initialize the working directory with the "terraform_init" command. Then you will be able to create configuration files with infrastructure parameters and deploy projects in the Serverspace cloud.
Detailed information about the Serverspace Terraform Provider is available in the documentation.

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