
How to install Aapanel on Ubuntu 20.04 and deploy Wordpress website into

What is Aapanel

Aapanel is modern, lightweight webserver management panel. It will satisfy all your needs and make your tasks about server settings management are easy. This panel may contains popular LAMP/LEMP software stacks, database service, FTP, built-in filemanager etc. Also you may "expand" panel functionality via extensions store.

Before installation

Before start Aapanel installation, please ensure that you have:

Setup procedure

To install Aapanel just follow further doings plan:

apt-get update; apt upgrade -y

apt install wget -y

cd /tmp && wget http://www.aapanel.com/script/install-ubuntu_6.0_en.sh

chmod +x install-ubuntu_6.0_en.sh

./install-ubuntu_6.0_en.sh aapanel

Website creation

At the end

In this article I told about "a little exotic" Aapanel server management software and showed how to "one-click-deploy" WordPress site.