In our instruction you can read a detailed description how to install and configure Nextcloud cloud storage on the virtual server (in our option it is Linux). Also, we are going to show how to connect our storage via WebDAV protocol.
Discription of the storage
Nextcloud Files is a cloud storage with an open code, wich let users synchronise and use it jointly. It is easy to learn and good secureted cloud storage. Organisations use this storage because of the fast acces to the files, images and documentations. Storage can also be used by the customers, employees, and partner firms. Peculiarities are: ability to work with contacts, calendar events and the schedulers.
Nextcloud provides apps for a lot of different platforms and paid kits for buisnesses.
What do you need to install Nextcloud
For an installiton without failures, on your virtual server should be installed OS Centos or Ubuntu and your user should have root rights.
In order to be able to use PHP, modules XML Writer, ctype, posix, JSON, zlib, XML Reader, mbstring, zip, Simple XML, libxml, GD and others are neccesery.
How to install Nextcloud
Let's look at how to upload the repository on Ubuntu 16. The procedure is the same for all distributions, only minor nuances are different.
For a start, via wget download archive with the last version of Nextcloud. We are going to download cloud storage with version 13.0.4:
You have to install checksums SHA265 or MD5:
After that, we need to install digital signature:
Let's look, if checksums are matching. We can do it using this command (first is for MD5, second is for SHA256):
sha256sum -c nextcloud-13.0.4.tar.bz2.sha256 < nextcloud-13.0.4.tar.bz2
If everything is cool, output is going to be like that:
To check digital signature, use this commands:
gpg --verify nextcloud-13.0.4.tar.bz2.asc nextcloud-13.0.4.tar.bz2
After this, we have to unarchive our archive:
Copy the directory of the server:
How to prescribe Apache configuration
Via any of the text redactors, create a configuration file. We are going to use vi:
Record in it:
Please note: the directory path may be different.
Create a symbol link:
Plug the modules:
a2enmod headers
a2enmod env
a2enmod dir
a2enmod mime
a2enmod setenvif
As a next step we have to change an ownership right:
To save changes you should reboot your server:
How to connect to a storage via browser
To connect to Nextcloud, you have to use your IP-adress. To create an admin accoun you should enter the username and create a long pasword for it. In the end, you have to click the 'End the Installation' button.
On the next step, you are going to see a window with directories and their files. The interface is easy and pretty understandable.
How to create users
If you want to create a user for Nextcloud, in the top right angle of the page click on the icon and choose the 'Users' menu.
You should create a name and password for your new user. For an addition you can add a group.
After you create user, it will be appeared in the Nextcloud user table.
How to connect via WebDav
To connect to Nextcloud you can use Cyberduck client with WebDAV protocol. Firstly, you have to install the app, after that, go to the created connection. In the settings of the protocol specify WebDAV, for server specify whole adress (you can find it via settings of the web in the browser).
As a port pick 80. After that you should enter user data one more time.
After connection in the window new dialog will appear.