
Basic Linux Commands in the Terminal

Linux is a versatile operating system that enjoys great popularity among users worldwide. Getting started with Linux might seem like a challenging task initially. In this article, we will explore how to use Linux, take a look at Linux terminal commands, and provide you with a cheat sheet to help you work efficiently with the command line.

Fundamentals of the Linux Terminal

The Linux terminal is a text-based interface that allows users to interact with the operating system through the command line. It provides the ability to execute commands, run scripts, manage files and folders, configure the system, and much more.

How to Open the Linux Terminal? This can be done in several ways, depending on the system and preferences:

After opening the terminal in Linux, you will see a command line where you can enter Linux commands and get the results of their execution. By default, the terminal operates within the context of the current user. However, to execute certain commands, especially those that require administrator privileges, you may need to run the terminal as an administrator (root).

To launch the command line as an administrator in Linux, you can use the "sudo" command. For example, to open the terminal with administrator privileges, you can enter "sudo command_name" and press Enter. The system may prompt you to enter the password of a user with administrator privileges to confirm.

The Linux terminal is a powerful tool for working with the operating system. It allows users to perform various tasks, automate processes, configure the system, and gain full control over their computer. Learning and using the Linux terminal opens up new possibilities and helps to gain a deeper understanding of the functionality of the operating system.

Overview of Basic Principles of Working in the Linux Terminal

In Linux, there are vast number of commands that provide a wide range of functions and capabilities. Let's talk about the fundamental principles of working in the terminal.

Now let's talk about the categories of basic linux commands that you may encounter in Linux.

Commands for Managing Files and Directories

With these commands, you can view the contents of directories, create, copy, move, and delete files, as well as perform other operations with the file system. Below are some of these commands.

Commands for User Management

Commands that allow you to manage users and their accounts:

Commands for Installing, Removing, and Updating Programs

In Linux, there are various package managers that allow you to manage the installation, removal, and updating of programs.

  1. Installing a program
    sudo apt install package_name
    For example, "sudo apt install firefox" will install the Firefox web browser.
  2. Updating the system and programs
    sudo apt update or sudo apt upgrade
    The "apt update" command updates the package lists, and "apt upgrade" updates the installed packages to their latest versions.
  3. Removing a program:
    sudo apt remove package_name
    For example, "sudo apt remove firefox" will remove the installed Firefox package.
  1. Installing a program
    sudo dnf install package_name
    For example, "sudo dnf install firefox" will install the Firefox web browser.
  2. Updating the system and programs
    sudo dnf upgrade
    This command updates the installed packages to their latest versions.
  3. Removing a program:
    sudo dnf remove package_name
    For example, "sudo dnf remove firefox" will remove the installed Firefox package.

Popular Commands for System Management on Linux

We have covered the basic Linux commands. The cheat sheet displays popular commands used for system management on Linux. The Linux operating system offers great flexibility in system management, and there are many other commands that can be useful in various scenarios.