O Serverspace adiciona o novo sistema operacional Rocky Linux
Serverspace Black Friday
William Bell
May 1, 2020
Atualizado June 7, 2023

Connecting to a Linux server

Linux VPS

Using another OS?

Select the desired version or distribution.

This guide describes how to connect to a Linux server.

Step 1

Download PuTTY app from an official website and use it to connect to a Linux server:

Screenshot 1: Connecting to a Linux server - PuTTY


Step 2

Run PuTTY. In a window that opens, fill HostName (or IP address) field with a value shown in IP address field of the control panel, and leave all other parameters unchanged. Click Open:

Screenshot 2: Connecting to a Linux server - PuTTY settings

Step 3

At the first launch, you will be prompted to cache a server link. Click Yes:

Screenshot 3: Connecting to a Linux server - PuTTY security alert

Step 4

Then, input Linux server username and password shown in Administrator login and Administrator password field.

Note: When entering a password, you will not see it:

Screenshot 4: Connecting to a Linux server - log in

If you have entered correct data, you will see a successful login message.

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